"Many of us won't let ourselves experience happiness because of the fear of being out of (our illusion of) control. How sad." -Mom's Calendar by the Computer
But how true. People are self protective and cautious. That isn't necessarily a bad thing. But sometimes it gets out of hand. It can get to the point where you're constantly paranoid and you don't want anything in your life to change. There's no excitement, no surprises. There's nothing that makes life... FUN.
I enjoy getting emails. And letters. I'm sure that everyone does. But at some points in life I find it a little depressing when you check your email and the mailbox every few hours to see if you have anything new. haha! I need a life. Well, as soon as I finish all of this homework I'll have one again. What is it about emails/ letters that are so appealing? I think I just like it because I like to have a reason to sit down and write a nice, LONG, most likely meaningless letter to someone. It takes up time... and it gives me something to do. And, if you're talking to the right person, you might even get a laugh out of it. haha!
Have you ever made plans with someone, and then they dropped out on you? I hate it! Even when they were just meaningless plans... "Wanna hang out?" "Sure."... that's just fine with me! I just want to get out of the house, away from the computer, and DO SOMETHING. But, nope. People cancel. Another sad part of life.
Summer. Why does summer have to be so... boring? I mean, people have the potential of making it the time of their lives. But everyone's to lazy to even make plans! haha! LAZY! And it's hot outside, especially in Arizona. I can't go outside and sit on the front porch without roasting.
Back to school shopping. It's such a hassle. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE having new clothes, a new style, something to shake things up a bit. But I hate the fact that you come to school the first week in all of your new stuff... but after that you have nothing new to wear anymore! What's the point of even wearing the new clothes that week? Wouldn't you rather spread out the fashion? I guess not...
Well, on the plus side, when all of my homework is FINISHED... I'll have a life again. Because I am NOT lazy! And I actually make PLANS! And I KEEP those plans! YES! Determination! I hope to get done by the end of the week. Well, we'll see how that goes. I set some goals for myself... and I'm planning on reaching those goals. DETERMINATION IS THE KEY TO FUNNNNN!!!!
(once again, sorry for the completely random post... boredom gets to me every now and then...)
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