Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hero for a Class Period

I am now a hero! Well, just for my fourth period World History class. We got the grades of our essays back and I got a "D"!!! Can you believe it? Well, I didn't study that hard... so it's not that suprising. But ANYWAYS I got a "D"! 

So, I took it home and looked over my mistakes (just like any good student would). And I noticed that there was one tiny... no.... HUGE problem in how my teacher graded it. I don't really feel like explaining it right now... but let's just say she counted up the points wrong. I would have actually recieved a "B"!!!! OMG!!! This was a big moment!

I went in during class and I asked some of my friends what they got on their essays and if I could take a look at them. They said yes, and I showed them what was wrong. I told them their correct score and (of course) they were pretty excited. I then went and told Ms. Cassidy what happened and she announced to the class that everyone's test was graded wrong. I raised up everyone's score about 2 letter grades! Whoo!

I got a "B"!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

bum, bum, bum....

So, the other week we found out that someone hit our car in the school parking lot. I was FURIOUS! It left a dent in the back, on the driver's seat. It left scratches along the side of the car and part of the rear light broke off. The security at the school says that they are going to try and find the person who did it, but the chances of that happening are slim to none. So, almost everyday before and after school, I look around for white cars (there was white paint on our car) that look like they might have a bit of brown paint on them. I haven't caught anybody yet... but just you wait. When I find them.... they'll pay big time!!! 

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Well, tons of people are bugging me to update my blog... so here we go..... 

Well, nothing is really going on with me. I've been busy the last few days just doing homework like any other good high school student. I have a big essay coming up in my honors World History class about church in the Middle Ages and its influence on then and now. It's supposed to be 750 to 1000 words long. That's about 6 or 7 paragraphs, I guess. I'm really not that concerned about it; on the last essay I wrote, I recieved a 94%! So, it should be fine.

One of my friends invited me to go to a concert in Pheonix called Phocson... (I really don't know how it's spelled) with her. But it just so happened to be on my birthday, DECEMBER 5TH!!! And my parents already bought tickets to see a play at the Gaslight Theatre, so, as much as I wanted to go, I said no. Truthfully, I'd rather spend the night watching a play with my parents and having a relaxing night, than going to a loud, crazy concert with friends. Not to offend them if they read this!!! Sorry guys!!! Hee hee!!!!

 I really can't think of anything else new at this exact moment. The only thing that I can think of is the fact that I really want to go back to my old middle school and visit all of my old friends. Oh, I miss them all so much! But, they're all coming to high school next year... so I only have to wait for a little bit longer. YAY!!!

See ya! Hopefully this was enough of an update for you guys!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Going to Utah....

This past weekend, Dad took us kids to Utah. While there we visited Grandma. As soon as we walked in the front door, she was jumping up and down in her chair with excitement! I thought that it was the sweetest thing ever.
Here's Dad and Grandma. Smile!!!