Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I hate a person with a big ego! It just frustrates me so much! Especially when it comes to singers. They all think that they're so amazing. Don't get me wrong, this is a great thing. You should feel confident about yourself. But, when it comes to a point where you're yelling at others because they say that you need to work on certain things... that's where I draw the line. I think you all know what I'm talking about now. Yes, the contestants on American Idol. I can't stand it when they hold up the show by yelling at the judges, begging for another chance, and crying and asking "WHY?!". When things like that happen, I just want to jump through the television and tell that person that they need to suck it up! Obviously, if you're being kicked off of the show, YOU ARE NOT A GOOD ENOUGH SINGER! What part of that don't people understand.... UGH!!! I hate it!


2pattyesque said...

I agree with your thoughts on ego. And I tag you. :-) Here are the rules: Write 6 random things about myself.
Link the person who tagged you.
Post the rules.
Tag six people.
Let them know they have been tagged.

2pattyesque said...

Oops, that is "yourself" not "myself." Sorry!